Module pexicdb.core
Expand source code
import os
import typing
from .fields import BaseField, UUIDField, IntegerField
from .helpers import decode, encode, create_container, get_all_containers
from .lock import Lock
class PexicdbCursor:
PexicdbCursor is the main class that handles and provide methods to perform operations.
`name`: name of the container
`model`: list of fields
`datafile_fp`: file pointer to data file
`container_fp`: file pointer to last created container file
`max_size`: maximum size of the container file in MegaBytes
def __init__(self, name:str, model:list[BaseField], datafile_fp, container_fp, max_size:int = 256) -> None:
if isinstance(name, str) is not True:
raise TypeError(
"name of the container must be type %s"%(str.__name__,)
if isinstance(model, list) is not True or len(model) < 1:
raise TypeError(
"model must be instance of %s and must contains atleast one member"%(list.__name__,)
for field in model:
if isinstance(field, BaseField) is not True:
raise TypeError(
"model field must be instance of %s"%(BaseField.__name__,)
if isinstance(model[0], (UUIDField, IntegerField)) is not True:
raise ValueError(
"first field of any model must be instance of %s or %s, got %s"%(UUIDField.__name__, IntegerField.__name__, type(model[0]).__name__)
if isinstance(max_size, int) is not True:
raise TypeError(
"container's maximum size value must be type of %s"%(int.__name__,)
if max_size <= 0:
raise ValueError(
"container's maximum size value must be greater than zero"
self._name = name
"""name of the container"""
self._model = model.copy()
"""copy of the model created by the user"""
self._datafile_fp = datafile_fp
"""datafile opened file pointer"""
self._container_fp = container_fp
"""container file pointer(this must of the last container or freshly created)"""
self._lock = Lock()
"""Lock to maintain queue of the operation"""
self.max_size = max_size
Maximum size of the container file in megabytes, this must be less than the runtime memory.
New container file will be created when a file exceed the maximum filesize.
self.triggers = {
"ON_INSERT": lambda model,cursor:None,
"ON_UPDATE": lambda updated_models,cursor:None,
"ON_REMOVE": lambda removed_models,cursor:None
Triggers are used to run a specific function on specific operation, trigger name must be in uppercase
- `ON_INSERT` : associated function will run after insert operation
- `ON_UPDATE` : associated function will run after update operation
- `ON_REMOVE` : associated function will run after remove operation
Associated function must accept two arguments:
- `model` : model that is added
- `cursor` : instance of class
Associated function must accept two arguments:
- `updated_models` : updated models in `list`
- `cursor` : instance of class
Associated function must accept two arguments:
- `removed_models` : removed models in `list`
- `cursor` : instance of class
# ON_INSERT Trigger
import time
from pexicdb import connect
from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField
user = {
"id": UUIDField("id"),
"name": StringField("name"),
"age": IntegerField("age")
users = connect("users", list(user.values()))
def on_insert_log(model, cursor):
print("Model is inserted", time.time())
users.triggers["ON_INSERT"] = on_insert_log
"name": "Harkishan Khuva",
"age": 19
# Output:
# Model is inserted 1681646736.9039178
def exec_trigger(self, name: str, kws:typing.Union[dict, None]=None) -> None:
Execute the trigger using its name, if the trigger not found or it is not callable at
that time value will not used as callable and no calls will be made.
You can also pass the keyword arguments to functions using `kws`.
`exec_trigger` is mainly for the internal use, but allows you to create your own and
allows you to execute it.
import time
from pexicdb import connect
from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField
user = {
"id": UUIDField("id"),
"name": StringField("name"),
"age": IntegerField("age")
users = connect("users", list(user.values()))
def on_insert(model, cursor):
users.exec_trigger("MY_TRIGGER", kws={
"t": time.time()
users.triggers["ON_INSERT"] = on_insert
users.triggers["MY_TRIGGER"] = lambda t: print("my trigger is called @",t)
"name": "Harkishan Khuva",
"age": 19
# Output:
# my trigger is called @ 1681647079.6642978
`name`: name of the trigger
`kws`: arguments to pass to the trigger function
trigger_fun = self.triggers.get(name.upper()) # getting trigger function from the class object using name
# if trigger value found and it is not None and it is callable
# then call the function with argument kws
if trigger_fun is not None and callable(trigger_fun) is True:
if kws is None:
kws = {}
return trigger_fun(**kws)
def insert(self, data: typing.Union[list[BaseField], dict[str, typing.Any]]) -> typing.Union[UUIDField, IntegerField]:
Insert the model, at the time of insert you can also pass the `dict` object that
contains the field name as the key in it and the corresponding value to it.
To insert more than one model use iteration.
from pexicdb import connect
from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField
user = {
"id": UUIDField("id"),
"name": StringField("name"),
"age": IntegerField("age")
users = connect("users", list(user.values()))
"name": "Harkishan Khuva",
"age": 19
# or it can be done as follows
model = user.copy()
model["name"].data = "Harkishan Khuva"
model["age"].data = 19
`data`: data to be inserted
First field of the model
# checking for data is instance of list or dict
if isinstance(data, list) is True:
# is list it's ok, check the field type and copy it
for field in data:
if isinstance(field, BaseField) is not True:
raise TypeError(
"model field to be inserted must be instance of %s"%(BaseField.__name__,)
model = data.copy()
elif isinstance(data, dict) is True:
# is dict
# now add values to model fields using the keys.
# keys and name of the fields are matched and value is set.
model = self._model.copy()
for k,v in data.items(): # type:ignore
for field in model:
if == k: = v
# its error time.
raise TypeError(
"Insert value argument must be instance of %s or %s, got %s"%(list.__name__, dict.__name__, type(data).__name__)
# checking model
if len(model) != len(self._model):
raise ValueError(
"model length is not equal to the class model length"
# comparing the model and fields' types
for index, field in enumerate(model):
if isinstance(field, type(self._model[index])) is not True:
raise TypeError(
"model to insert in the container contains invalid field '%s', it must be '%s'"%(type(field).__name__, type(self._model[index]).__name__)
with self._lock:
# iterating fields of the model
for field in model:
# assigning default value if exists
field.auto_assign() # type: ignore
# validating the field(e.g. checking data type and etc)
field.validate() # type: ignore
# going at the end of the file,2)
# writing the model in base64 format using encode function.
# truncate the file
# checking the size of the current container
if (os.stat( >= self.max_size:
# if container is greater than or equal to the maximum size set
# then close the container file pointer
# create new container and set to the class member
self._container_fp = open(create_container(self._name), self._container_fp.mode)
# calling trigger function if exists
self.exec_trigger("ON_INSERT", {
"model": model,
"cursor": self
# return the first field of the model
return model[0] # type: ignore
def get(self, filter_fields:typing.Union[list, None] = None, limit:int = -1, return_as_dict:bool = False):
Select or get the models stored in the container.
Filter fields are nothing but the list of lambda functions or it can be `None` to
get all models from the container.
You can also get the values as `dict` object, by setting `return_as_dict` value to `True`
from pexicdb import connect
from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField
user = {
"id": UUIDField("id"),
"name": StringField("name"),
"age": IntegerField("age")
users = connect("users", list(user.values()))
# get all stored models
for c_user in users.get():
# get models has age more than 20
for c_user in users.get([user["age"].greater_than(20)]):
# get only 2 models and in dictionary object
for c_user in users.get(limit=2, return_as_dict=True):
`filter_fields`: list of lambda functions to filter or None to get all
`limit`: number of models to be returned, `-1` for no limit
`return_as_dict`: returns in dict object when set to `True`
returned_models = 0 # number of returned models
containers = get_all_containers(self._name) # all containers name
# iterating containers
for container in containers:
# open the container is bytes read mode
container_fp = open(container, "rb") # container file pointer
# run the loop
# when the line data is nothing then break
while True:
line = container_fp.readline() # read line from the container
if not line:
# if line is empty or not then break the loop
# converting the base64 to model
model = decode(line)
# total booleans returned by the lambda functions
booleans = []
if filter_fields is None:
# if filter_fields value is None
# then to evaluate then to return the model
# append the True to booleans list
# iterating lambda functions
for lambda_fun in filter_fields:
# iterating model field
for field in model:
booleans.append(lambda_fun(field)) # comparing and adding return value to the booleans
# checking for booleans
# if first booleans list value is True
# then all function will be used to get if all values in the list are True or not
if booleans[0] is True and all(booleans) is True:
returned_models += 1 # incrementing the returned model
if return_as_dict is True:
# if the return as dict object is True
kv = {} # empty dictionary object
# itertating fields
for field in model:
# settings key value as the field name and the value is
# the field
kv[] = field
yield kv
yield model
# checking the limit if set
if limit > 0 and returned_models >= limit:
# if returned models are equal or more than it
# then break
# checking the limit if set
if limit > 0 and returned_models >= limit:
# if returned models are equal or more than it
# then break
def update(self, filter_fields:typing.Union[list, None], data_to_update:dict) -> list:
Update the field data of stored model in the container using the `filter_fields`
You need pass the dictionary(`dict`) object to that contains data to replace with
using field name as the key.
from pexicdb import connect
from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField
user = {
"id": UUIDField("id"),
"name": StringField("name"),
"age": IntegerField("age")
users = connect("users", list(user.values()))
# update the models where name is `Harkishan Khuva` and update it to the `Haki`
user["name"] == "Harkishan Khuva"
"name": "Haki"
`filter_fields`: lambda functions or None to filter out models
`data_to_update`: data to replace in the model
returns the list of first field of model
updated_keys = [] # updated models' key will be stored in this object
containers = get_all_containers(self._name) # getting all containers
# iterating containers
for container in containers:
models_to_update = {} # models to be updated from container will be stored in this object
container_fp = open(container, "rb+") # container file's file pointer
index = 0 # using index and at last models are replaced with new models using index in the container
while True:
line = container_fp.readline()
if not line:
# getting model from the line
model = decode(line)
booleans = [] # booleans will be stored from lambda functions
if filter_fields is None:
# None mean do all
# append the True value will make it to do
# iterating lambda function and appending it to booleans
for lambda_fun in filter_fields:
for field in model:
# if booleans' elements are True or only True value present in the booleans
if booleans[0] is True and all(booleans) is True:
# updating model
# using key value of data_to_update argument
for k,v in data_to_update.items():
for field in model:
if == k: # checking field name and update the value = v
models_to_update[index] = model # adding model to models_to_update with index number(line_number-1)
index += 1 # incrment index
# if models are available in models_to_update object
if len(models_to_update.keys()) > 0: # file pointer to starting position
lines = container_fp.readlines() # reading all lines of container
# iterating updated models
for index, model in models_to_update.items():
lines[index] = encode(model) # updating model using index of it's in container
updated_keys.append(model[0].data) # append the first field value to the updated_keys # again file pointer at start position
container_fp.writelines(lines) # write modified lines
container_fp.truncate() # truncate the file
# close the container file pointer
# execute the trigger
self.exec_trigger("ON_UPDATE", {
"updated_models": list(models_to_update.values()),
"cursor": self
return updated_keys
def remove(self, filter_fields:typing.Union[list, None], limit:int = -1) -> list:
Remove the model from the container using lambda functions or None to remove all.
You can also pass the number of models to be removed, using `limit` argument.
from pexicdb import connect
from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField
user = {
"id": UUIDField("id"),
"name": StringField("name"),
"age": IntegerField("age")
users = connect("users", list(user.values()))
users.remove(None) # remove all models
# remove specific model where the name value is `Harkishan Khuva`
# and limit is set to 1
user["name"] == "Harkishan Khuva"
], limit=1)
`filter_fields`: lambda functions or None for all
`limit`: limit of number of records to remove
List containing removed models
removed_models = [] # models that are removed
with self._lock:
containers = get_all_containers(self._name) # all containers
# iterating containers
for container in containers:
container_fp = open(container, "rb+") # container file's file pointer
to_remove_models_index = [] # index of model to be removed from the container
index = 0 # index for getting index of the line in the container
while True:
line = container_fp.readline()
if not line:
model = decode(line) # original model
booleans = []
if filter_fields is None:
# None mean do all
# append the True value will make it to do
# iterating lambda functions
for lambda_fun in filter_fields:
for field in model:
# if booleans have only True values
if booleans[0] is True and all(booleans) is True:
to_remove_models_index.append(index) # adding index to remove
removed_models.append(model) # adding model that will be removed
# if the limit is set and removed models length is greater than or equal to
# then break the loop
if limit > 0 and len(removed_models) >= limit:
index += 1 # increment the index value
if len(to_remove_models_index) > 0: # if the length of to_remove_models_index object is more than 0 # change the position to the starting
lines = container_fp.readlines() # reading all lines
# iterating index in the to_remove_models_index in reverse to
# avoid the index error
for index in reversed(to_remove_models_index):
lines.pop(index) # removing the line(encoded model) using index # set the position to the start
container_fp.writelines(lines) # writing modified lines
container_fp.truncate() # truncate the file
# closing the container
# execute trigger
self.exec_trigger("ON_REMOVE", {
"removed_models": removed_models,
"cursor": self
# if the limit is set and removed models length is greater than or equal to
# then break the loop
if limit > 0 and len(removed_models) >= limit:
return removed_models
def count(self, generator:typing.Generator) -> int:
This will iterate the generator and stops when `StopIteration` exception is raised.
It will count the number of iterations and returns it.
from pexicdb import connect
from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField
# create user model
user = {
"id": UUIDField("id"),
"name": StringField("name"),
"age": IntegerField("age")
users = connect("users", list(user.values())) # connect to the container
print(users.count(users.get())) # prints the number of models
`generator`: any iterable object
Count of iterations
if isinstance(generator, typing.Generator) is not True:
raise TypeError(
"generator argument must be instance of %s, got %s"%(typing.Generator.__name__, type(generator).__name__)
k = 0 # assigning count to value zero
while True:
next(generator) # next to item
except StopIteration:
break # break when StopIteration raises
k += 1 # increment k by 1
return k
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<PexicdbCursor name='{self._name}' max_size='{self.max_size}MBs'>"
class PexicdbCursor (name: str, model: list[BaseField], datafile_fp, container_fp, max_size: int = 256)
PexicdbCursor is the main class that handles and provide methods to perform operations.
: name of the containermodel
: list of fieldsdatafile_fp
: file pointer to data filecontainer_fp
: file pointer to last created container filemax_size
: maximum size of the container file in MegaBytesExpand source code
class PexicdbCursor: """ PexicdbCursor is the main class that handles and provide methods to perform operations. Arguments: `name`: name of the container `model`: list of fields `datafile_fp`: file pointer to data file `container_fp`: file pointer to last created container file `max_size`: maximum size of the container file in MegaBytes """ def __init__(self, name:str, model:list[BaseField], datafile_fp, container_fp, max_size:int = 256) -> None: """ """ if isinstance(name, str) is not True: raise TypeError( "name of the container must be type %s"%(str.__name__,) ) if isinstance(model, list) is not True or len(model) < 1: raise TypeError( "model must be instance of %s and must contains atleast one member"%(list.__name__,) ) for field in model: if isinstance(field, BaseField) is not True: raise TypeError( "model field must be instance of %s"%(BaseField.__name__,) ) if isinstance(model[0], (UUIDField, IntegerField)) is not True: raise ValueError( "first field of any model must be instance of %s or %s, got %s"%(UUIDField.__name__, IntegerField.__name__, type(model[0]).__name__) ) if isinstance(max_size, int) is not True: raise TypeError( "container's maximum size value must be type of %s"%(int.__name__,) ) if max_size <= 0: raise ValueError( "container's maximum size value must be greater than zero" ) self._name = name """name of the container""" self._model = model.copy() """copy of the model created by the user""" self._datafile_fp = datafile_fp """datafile opened file pointer""" self._container_fp = container_fp """container file pointer(this must of the last container or freshly created)""" self._lock = Lock() """Lock to maintain queue of the operation""" self.max_size = max_size """ Maximum size of the container file in megabytes, this must be less than the runtime memory. New container file will be created when a file exceed the maximum filesize. """ self.triggers = { "ON_INSERT": lambda model,cursor:None, "ON_UPDATE": lambda updated_models,cursor:None, "ON_REMOVE": lambda removed_models,cursor:None } """ Triggers are used to run a specific function on specific operation, trigger name must be in uppercase - `ON_INSERT` : associated function will run after insert operation - `ON_UPDATE` : associated function will run after update operation - `ON_REMOVE` : associated function will run after remove operation ### **TRIGGER** `ON_INSERT` Associated function must accept two arguments: - `model` : model that is added - `cursor` : instance of class ### **TRIGGER** `ON_UPDATE` Associated function must accept two arguments: - `updated_models` : updated models in `list` - `cursor` : instance of class ### **TRIGGER** `ON_REMOVE` Associated function must accept two arguments: - `removed_models` : removed models in `list` - `cursor` : instance of class ``` # ON_INSERT Trigger import time from pexicdb import connect from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField user = { "id": UUIDField("id"), "name": StringField("name"), "age": IntegerField("age") } users = connect("users", list(user.values())) def on_insert_log(model, cursor): print("Model is inserted", time.time()) users.triggers["ON_INSERT"] = on_insert_log users.insert({ "name": "Harkishan Khuva", "age": 19 }) # Output: # Model is inserted 1681646736.9039178 ``` """ def exec_trigger(self, name: str, kws:typing.Union[dict, None]=None) -> None: """ Execute the trigger using its name, if the trigger not found or it is not callable at that time value will not used as callable and no calls will be made. You can also pass the keyword arguments to functions using `kws`. `exec_trigger` is mainly for the internal use, but allows you to create your own and allows you to execute it. ``` import time from pexicdb import connect from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField user = { "id": UUIDField("id"), "name": StringField("name"), "age": IntegerField("age") } users = connect("users", list(user.values())) def on_insert(model, cursor): users.exec_trigger("MY_TRIGGER", kws={ "t": time.time() }) users.triggers["ON_INSERT"] = on_insert users.triggers["MY_TRIGGER"] = lambda t: print("my trigger is called @",t) users.insert({ "name": "Harkishan Khuva", "age": 19 }) # Output: # my trigger is called @ 1681647079.6642978 ``` Arguments: `name`: name of the trigger `kws`: arguments to pass to the trigger function """ trigger_fun = self.triggers.get(name.upper()) # getting trigger function from the class object using name # if trigger value found and it is not None and it is callable # then call the function with argument kws if trigger_fun is not None and callable(trigger_fun) is True: if kws is None: kws = {} return trigger_fun(**kws) def insert(self, data: typing.Union[list[BaseField], dict[str, typing.Any]]) -> typing.Union[UUIDField, IntegerField]: """ Insert the model, at the time of insert you can also pass the `dict` object that contains the field name as the key in it and the corresponding value to it. To insert more than one model use iteration. ``` from pexicdb import connect from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField user = { "id": UUIDField("id"), "name": StringField("name"), "age": IntegerField("age") } users = connect("users", list(user.values())) users.insert({ "name": "Harkishan Khuva", "age": 19 }) # or it can be done as follows model = user.copy() model["name"].data = "Harkishan Khuva" model["age"].data = 19 users.insert(list(model.values())) ``` Arguments: `data`: data to be inserted Returns: First field of the model """ # checking for data is instance of list or dict if isinstance(data, list) is True: # is list it's ok, check the field type and copy it for field in data: if isinstance(field, BaseField) is not True: raise TypeError( "model field to be inserted must be instance of %s"%(BaseField.__name__,) ) model = data.copy() elif isinstance(data, dict) is True: # is dict # now add values to model fields using the keys. # keys and name of the fields are matched and value is set. model = self._model.copy() for k,v in data.items(): # type:ignore for field in model: if == k: = v else: # its error time. raise TypeError( "Insert value argument must be instance of %s or %s, got %s"%(list.__name__, dict.__name__, type(data).__name__) ) # checking model if len(model) != len(self._model): raise ValueError( "model length is not equal to the class model length" ) # comparing the model and fields' types for index, field in enumerate(model): if isinstance(field, type(self._model[index])) is not True: raise TypeError( "model to insert in the container contains invalid field '%s', it must be '%s'"%(type(field).__name__, type(self._model[index]).__name__) ) with self._lock: # iterating fields of the model for field in model: # assigning default value if exists field.auto_assign() # type: ignore # validating the field(e.g. checking data type and etc) field.validate() # type: ignore # going at the end of the file,2) # writing the model in base64 format using encode function. self._container_fp.write(encode(model)) # truncate the file self._container_fp.truncate() # checking the size of the current container if (os.stat( >= self.max_size: # if container is greater than or equal to the maximum size set # then close the container file pointer self._container_fp.close() # create new container and set to the class member self._container_fp = open(create_container(self._name), self._container_fp.mode) # calling trigger function if exists self.exec_trigger("ON_INSERT", { "model": model, "cursor": self }) # return the first field of the model return model[0] # type: ignore def get(self, filter_fields:typing.Union[list, None] = None, limit:int = -1, return_as_dict:bool = False): """ Select or get the models stored in the container. Filter fields are nothing but the list of lambda functions or it can be `None` to get all models from the container. You can also get the values as `dict` object, by setting `return_as_dict` value to `True` ``` from pexicdb import connect from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField user = { "id": UUIDField("id"), "name": StringField("name"), "age": IntegerField("age") } users = connect("users", list(user.values())) # get all stored models for c_user in users.get(): print(c_user) # get models has age more than 20 for c_user in users.get([user["age"].greater_than(20)]): print(c_user) # get only 2 models and in dictionary object for c_user in users.get(limit=2, return_as_dict=True): print(c_user) ``` Arguments: `filter_fields`: list of lambda functions to filter or None to get all `limit`: number of models to be returned, `-1` for no limit `return_as_dict`: returns in dict object when set to `True` """ returned_models = 0 # number of returned models containers = get_all_containers(self._name) # all containers name # iterating containers for container in containers: # open the container is bytes read mode container_fp = open(container, "rb") # container file pointer # run the loop # when the line data is nothing then break while True: line = container_fp.readline() # read line from the container if not line: # if line is empty or not then break the loop break # converting the base64 to model model = decode(line) # total booleans returned by the lambda functions booleans = [] if filter_fields is None: # if filter_fields value is None # then to evaluate then to return the model # append the True to booleans list booleans.append(True) else: # iterating lambda functions for lambda_fun in filter_fields: # iterating model field for field in model: booleans.append(lambda_fun(field)) # comparing and adding return value to the booleans # checking for booleans # if first booleans list value is True # then all function will be used to get if all values in the list are True or not if booleans[0] is True and all(booleans) is True: returned_models += 1 # incrementing the returned model if return_as_dict is True: # if the return as dict object is True kv = {} # empty dictionary object # itertating fields for field in model: # settings key value as the field name and the value is # the field kv[] = field yield kv else: yield model # checking the limit if set if limit > 0 and returned_models >= limit: # if returned models are equal or more than it # then break break # checking the limit if set if limit > 0 and returned_models >= limit: # if returned models are equal or more than it # then break break def update(self, filter_fields:typing.Union[list, None], data_to_update:dict) -> list: """ Update the field data of stored model in the container using the `filter_fields` You need pass the dictionary(`dict`) object to that contains data to replace with using field name as the key. ``` from pexicdb import connect from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField user = { "id": UUIDField("id"), "name": StringField("name"), "age": IntegerField("age") } users = connect("users", list(user.values())) # update the models where name is `Harkishan Khuva` and update it to the `Haki` users.update( [ user["name"] == "Harkishan Khuva" ], { "name": "Haki" } ) ``` Arguments: `filter_fields`: lambda functions or None to filter out models `data_to_update`: data to replace in the model Returns: returns the list of first field of model """ updated_keys = [] # updated models' key will be stored in this object containers = get_all_containers(self._name) # getting all containers # iterating containers for container in containers: models_to_update = {} # models to be updated from container will be stored in this object container_fp = open(container, "rb+") # container file's file pointer index = 0 # using index and at last models are replaced with new models using index in the container while True: line = container_fp.readline() if not line: break # getting model from the line model = decode(line) booleans = [] # booleans will be stored from lambda functions if filter_fields is None: # None mean do all # append the True value will make it to do booleans.append(True) else: # iterating lambda function and appending it to booleans for lambda_fun in filter_fields: for field in model: booleans.append(lambda_fun(field)) # if booleans' elements are True or only True value present in the booleans if booleans[0] is True and all(booleans) is True: # updating model # using key value of data_to_update argument for k,v in data_to_update.items(): for field in model: if == k: # checking field name and update the value = v models_to_update[index] = model # adding model to models_to_update with index number(line_number-1) index += 1 # incrment index # if models are available in models_to_update object if len(models_to_update.keys()) > 0: # file pointer to starting position lines = container_fp.readlines() # reading all lines of container # iterating updated models for index, model in models_to_update.items(): lines[index] = encode(model) # updating model using index of it's in container updated_keys.append(model[0].data) # append the first field value to the updated_keys # again file pointer at start position container_fp.writelines(lines) # write modified lines container_fp.truncate() # truncate the file # close the container file pointer container_fp.close() # execute the trigger self.exec_trigger("ON_UPDATE", { "updated_models": list(models_to_update.values()), "cursor": self }) return updated_keys def remove(self, filter_fields:typing.Union[list, None], limit:int = -1) -> list: """ Remove the model from the container using lambda functions or None to remove all. You can also pass the number of models to be removed, using `limit` argument. ``` from pexicdb import connect from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField user = { "id": UUIDField("id"), "name": StringField("name"), "age": IntegerField("age") } users = connect("users", list(user.values())) users.remove(None) # remove all models # remove specific model where the name value is `Harkishan Khuva` # and limit is set to 1 users.remove([ user["name"] == "Harkishan Khuva" ], limit=1) ``` Arguments: `filter_fields`: lambda functions or None for all `limit`: limit of number of records to remove Returns: List containing removed models """ removed_models = [] # models that are removed with self._lock: containers = get_all_containers(self._name) # all containers # iterating containers for container in containers: container_fp = open(container, "rb+") # container file's file pointer to_remove_models_index = [] # index of model to be removed from the container index = 0 # index for getting index of the line in the container while True: line = container_fp.readline() if not line: break model = decode(line) # original model booleans = [] if filter_fields is None: # None mean do all # append the True value will make it to do booleans.append(True) else: # iterating lambda functions for lambda_fun in filter_fields: for field in model: booleans.append(lambda_fun(field)) # if booleans have only True values if booleans[0] is True and all(booleans) is True: to_remove_models_index.append(index) # adding index to remove removed_models.append(model) # adding model that will be removed # if the limit is set and removed models length is greater than or equal to # then break the loop if limit > 0 and len(removed_models) >= limit: break index += 1 # increment the index value if len(to_remove_models_index) > 0: # if the length of to_remove_models_index object is more than 0 # change the position to the starting lines = container_fp.readlines() # reading all lines # iterating index in the to_remove_models_index in reverse to # avoid the index error for index in reversed(to_remove_models_index): lines.pop(index) # removing the line(encoded model) using index # set the position to the start container_fp.writelines(lines) # writing modified lines container_fp.truncate() # truncate the file # closing the container container_fp.close() # execute trigger self.exec_trigger("ON_REMOVE", { "removed_models": removed_models, "cursor": self }) # if the limit is set and removed models length is greater than or equal to # then break the loop if limit > 0 and len(removed_models) >= limit: break return removed_models def count(self, generator:typing.Generator) -> int: """ This will iterate the generator and stops when `StopIteration` exception is raised. It will count the number of iterations and returns it. ``` from pexicdb import connect from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField # create user model user = { "id": UUIDField("id"), "name": StringField("name"), "age": IntegerField("age") } users = connect("users", list(user.values())) # connect to the container print(users.count(users.get())) # prints the number of models ``` Arguments: `generator`: any iterable object Returns: Count of iterations """ if isinstance(generator, typing.Generator) is not True: raise TypeError( "generator argument must be instance of %s, got %s"%(typing.Generator.__name__, type(generator).__name__) ) k = 0 # assigning count to value zero while True: try: next(generator) # next to item except StopIteration: break # break when StopIteration raises else: k += 1 # increment k by 1 return k def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<PexicdbCursor name='{self._name}' max_size='{self.max_size}MBs'>"
Instance variables
var max_size
Maximum size of the container file in megabytes, this must be less than the runtime memory.
New container file will be created when a file exceed the maximum filesize.
var triggers
Triggers are used to run a specific function on specific operation, trigger name must be in uppercase
: associated function will run after insert operationON_UPDATE
: associated function will run after update operationON_REMOVE
: associated function will run after remove operation
Associated function must accept two arguments:
: model that is addedcursor
: instance of class
Associated function must accept two arguments:
: updated models inlist
: instance of class
Associated function must accept two arguments:
: removed models inlist
: instance of class
# ON_INSERT Trigger import time from pexicdb import connect from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField user = { "id": UUIDField("id"), "name": StringField("name"), "age": IntegerField("age") } users = connect("users", list(user.values())) def on_insert_log(model, cursor): print("Model is inserted", time.time()) users.triggers["ON_INSERT"] = on_insert_log users.insert({ "name": "Harkishan Khuva", "age": 19 }) # Output: # Model is inserted 1681646736.9039178
def count(self, generator: Generator) ‑> int
This will iterate the generator and stops when
exception is raised. It will count the number of iterations and returns it.from pexicdb import connect from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField # create user model user = { "id": UUIDField("id"), "name": StringField("name"), "age": IntegerField("age") } users = connect("users", list(user.values())) # connect to the container print(users.count(users.get())) # prints the number of models
: any iterable objectReturns
Count of iterations
Expand source code
def count(self, generator:typing.Generator) -> int: """ This will iterate the generator and stops when `StopIteration` exception is raised. It will count the number of iterations and returns it. ``` from pexicdb import connect from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField # create user model user = { "id": UUIDField("id"), "name": StringField("name"), "age": IntegerField("age") } users = connect("users", list(user.values())) # connect to the container print(users.count(users.get())) # prints the number of models ``` Arguments: `generator`: any iterable object Returns: Count of iterations """ if isinstance(generator, typing.Generator) is not True: raise TypeError( "generator argument must be instance of %s, got %s"%(typing.Generator.__name__, type(generator).__name__) ) k = 0 # assigning count to value zero while True: try: next(generator) # next to item except StopIteration: break # break when StopIteration raises else: k += 1 # increment k by 1 return k
def exec_trigger(self, name: str, kws: Optional[dict] = None) ‑> None
Execute the trigger using its name, if the trigger not found or it is not callable at that time value will not used as callable and no calls will be made.
You can also pass the keyword arguments to functions using
is mainly for the internal use, but allows you to create your own and allows you to execute it.import time from pexicdb import connect from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField user = { "id": UUIDField("id"), "name": StringField("name"), "age": IntegerField("age") } users = connect("users", list(user.values())) def on_insert(model, cursor): users.exec_trigger("MY_TRIGGER", kws={ "t": time.time() }) users.triggers["ON_INSERT"] = on_insert users.triggers["MY_TRIGGER"] = lambda t: print("my trigger is called @",t) users.insert({ "name": "Harkishan Khuva", "age": 19 }) # Output: # my trigger is called @ 1681647079.6642978
: name of the triggerkws
: arguments to pass to the trigger functionExpand source code
def exec_trigger(self, name: str, kws:typing.Union[dict, None]=None) -> None: """ Execute the trigger using its name, if the trigger not found or it is not callable at that time value will not used as callable and no calls will be made. You can also pass the keyword arguments to functions using `kws`. `exec_trigger` is mainly for the internal use, but allows you to create your own and allows you to execute it. ``` import time from pexicdb import connect from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField user = { "id": UUIDField("id"), "name": StringField("name"), "age": IntegerField("age") } users = connect("users", list(user.values())) def on_insert(model, cursor): users.exec_trigger("MY_TRIGGER", kws={ "t": time.time() }) users.triggers["ON_INSERT"] = on_insert users.triggers["MY_TRIGGER"] = lambda t: print("my trigger is called @",t) users.insert({ "name": "Harkishan Khuva", "age": 19 }) # Output: # my trigger is called @ 1681647079.6642978 ``` Arguments: `name`: name of the trigger `kws`: arguments to pass to the trigger function """ trigger_fun = self.triggers.get(name.upper()) # getting trigger function from the class object using name # if trigger value found and it is not None and it is callable # then call the function with argument kws if trigger_fun is not None and callable(trigger_fun) is True: if kws is None: kws = {} return trigger_fun(**kws)
def get(self, filter_fields: Optional[list] = None, limit: int = -1, return_as_dict: bool = False)
Select or get the models stored in the container.
Filter fields are nothing but the list of lambda functions or it can be
to get all models from the container.You can also get the values as
object, by settingreturn_as_dict
value toTrue
from pexicdb import connect from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField user = { "id": UUIDField("id"), "name": StringField("name"), "age": IntegerField("age") } users = connect("users", list(user.values())) # get all stored models for c_user in users.get(): print(c_user) # get models has age more than 20 for c_user in users.get([user["age"].greater_than(20)]): print(c_user) # get only 2 models and in dictionary object for c_user in users.get(limit=2, return_as_dict=True): print(c_user)
: list of lambda functions to filter or None to get alllimit
: number of models to be returned,-1
for no limitreturn_as_dict
: returns in dict object when set toTrue
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def get(self, filter_fields:typing.Union[list, None] = None, limit:int = -1, return_as_dict:bool = False): """ Select or get the models stored in the container. Filter fields are nothing but the list of lambda functions or it can be `None` to get all models from the container. You can also get the values as `dict` object, by setting `return_as_dict` value to `True` ``` from pexicdb import connect from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField user = { "id": UUIDField("id"), "name": StringField("name"), "age": IntegerField("age") } users = connect("users", list(user.values())) # get all stored models for c_user in users.get(): print(c_user) # get models has age more than 20 for c_user in users.get([user["age"].greater_than(20)]): print(c_user) # get only 2 models and in dictionary object for c_user in users.get(limit=2, return_as_dict=True): print(c_user) ``` Arguments: `filter_fields`: list of lambda functions to filter or None to get all `limit`: number of models to be returned, `-1` for no limit `return_as_dict`: returns in dict object when set to `True` """ returned_models = 0 # number of returned models containers = get_all_containers(self._name) # all containers name # iterating containers for container in containers: # open the container is bytes read mode container_fp = open(container, "rb") # container file pointer # run the loop # when the line data is nothing then break while True: line = container_fp.readline() # read line from the container if not line: # if line is empty or not then break the loop break # converting the base64 to model model = decode(line) # total booleans returned by the lambda functions booleans = [] if filter_fields is None: # if filter_fields value is None # then to evaluate then to return the model # append the True to booleans list booleans.append(True) else: # iterating lambda functions for lambda_fun in filter_fields: # iterating model field for field in model: booleans.append(lambda_fun(field)) # comparing and adding return value to the booleans # checking for booleans # if first booleans list value is True # then all function will be used to get if all values in the list are True or not if booleans[0] is True and all(booleans) is True: returned_models += 1 # incrementing the returned model if return_as_dict is True: # if the return as dict object is True kv = {} # empty dictionary object # itertating fields for field in model: # settings key value as the field name and the value is # the field kv[] = field yield kv else: yield model # checking the limit if set if limit > 0 and returned_models >= limit: # if returned models are equal or more than it # then break break # checking the limit if set if limit > 0 and returned_models >= limit: # if returned models are equal or more than it # then break break
def insert(self, data: Union[list[BaseField], dict[str, Any]]) ‑> Union[UUIDField, IntegerField]
Insert the model, at the time of insert you can also pass the
object that contains the field name as the key in it and the corresponding value to it.To insert more than one model use iteration.
from pexicdb import connect from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField user = { "id": UUIDField("id"), "name": StringField("name"), "age": IntegerField("age") } users = connect("users", list(user.values())) users.insert({ "name": "Harkishan Khuva", "age": 19 }) # or it can be done as follows model = user.copy() model["name"].data = "Harkishan Khuva" model["age"].data = 19 users.insert(list(model.values()))
: data to be insertedReturns
First field of the model
Expand source code
def insert(self, data: typing.Union[list[BaseField], dict[str, typing.Any]]) -> typing.Union[UUIDField, IntegerField]: """ Insert the model, at the time of insert you can also pass the `dict` object that contains the field name as the key in it and the corresponding value to it. To insert more than one model use iteration. ``` from pexicdb import connect from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField user = { "id": UUIDField("id"), "name": StringField("name"), "age": IntegerField("age") } users = connect("users", list(user.values())) users.insert({ "name": "Harkishan Khuva", "age": 19 }) # or it can be done as follows model = user.copy() model["name"].data = "Harkishan Khuva" model["age"].data = 19 users.insert(list(model.values())) ``` Arguments: `data`: data to be inserted Returns: First field of the model """ # checking for data is instance of list or dict if isinstance(data, list) is True: # is list it's ok, check the field type and copy it for field in data: if isinstance(field, BaseField) is not True: raise TypeError( "model field to be inserted must be instance of %s"%(BaseField.__name__,) ) model = data.copy() elif isinstance(data, dict) is True: # is dict # now add values to model fields using the keys. # keys and name of the fields are matched and value is set. model = self._model.copy() for k,v in data.items(): # type:ignore for field in model: if == k: = v else: # its error time. raise TypeError( "Insert value argument must be instance of %s or %s, got %s"%(list.__name__, dict.__name__, type(data).__name__) ) # checking model if len(model) != len(self._model): raise ValueError( "model length is not equal to the class model length" ) # comparing the model and fields' types for index, field in enumerate(model): if isinstance(field, type(self._model[index])) is not True: raise TypeError( "model to insert in the container contains invalid field '%s', it must be '%s'"%(type(field).__name__, type(self._model[index]).__name__) ) with self._lock: # iterating fields of the model for field in model: # assigning default value if exists field.auto_assign() # type: ignore # validating the field(e.g. checking data type and etc) field.validate() # type: ignore # going at the end of the file,2) # writing the model in base64 format using encode function. self._container_fp.write(encode(model)) # truncate the file self._container_fp.truncate() # checking the size of the current container if (os.stat( >= self.max_size: # if container is greater than or equal to the maximum size set # then close the container file pointer self._container_fp.close() # create new container and set to the class member self._container_fp = open(create_container(self._name), self._container_fp.mode) # calling trigger function if exists self.exec_trigger("ON_INSERT", { "model": model, "cursor": self }) # return the first field of the model return model[0] # type: ignore
def remove(self, filter_fields: Optional[list], limit: int = -1) ‑> list
Remove the model from the container using lambda functions or None to remove all.
You can also pass the number of models to be removed, using
argument.from pexicdb import connect from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField user = { "id": UUIDField("id"), "name": StringField("name"), "age": IntegerField("age") } users = connect("users", list(user.values())) users.remove(None) # remove all models # remove specific model where the name value is `Harkishan Khuva` # and limit is set to 1 users.remove([ user["name"] == "Harkishan Khuva" ], limit=1)
: lambda functions or None for alllimit
: limit of number of records to removeReturns
List containing removed models
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def remove(self, filter_fields:typing.Union[list, None], limit:int = -1) -> list: """ Remove the model from the container using lambda functions or None to remove all. You can also pass the number of models to be removed, using `limit` argument. ``` from pexicdb import connect from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField user = { "id": UUIDField("id"), "name": StringField("name"), "age": IntegerField("age") } users = connect("users", list(user.values())) users.remove(None) # remove all models # remove specific model where the name value is `Harkishan Khuva` # and limit is set to 1 users.remove([ user["name"] == "Harkishan Khuva" ], limit=1) ``` Arguments: `filter_fields`: lambda functions or None for all `limit`: limit of number of records to remove Returns: List containing removed models """ removed_models = [] # models that are removed with self._lock: containers = get_all_containers(self._name) # all containers # iterating containers for container in containers: container_fp = open(container, "rb+") # container file's file pointer to_remove_models_index = [] # index of model to be removed from the container index = 0 # index for getting index of the line in the container while True: line = container_fp.readline() if not line: break model = decode(line) # original model booleans = [] if filter_fields is None: # None mean do all # append the True value will make it to do booleans.append(True) else: # iterating lambda functions for lambda_fun in filter_fields: for field in model: booleans.append(lambda_fun(field)) # if booleans have only True values if booleans[0] is True and all(booleans) is True: to_remove_models_index.append(index) # adding index to remove removed_models.append(model) # adding model that will be removed # if the limit is set and removed models length is greater than or equal to # then break the loop if limit > 0 and len(removed_models) >= limit: break index += 1 # increment the index value if len(to_remove_models_index) > 0: # if the length of to_remove_models_index object is more than 0 # change the position to the starting lines = container_fp.readlines() # reading all lines # iterating index in the to_remove_models_index in reverse to # avoid the index error for index in reversed(to_remove_models_index): lines.pop(index) # removing the line(encoded model) using index # set the position to the start container_fp.writelines(lines) # writing modified lines container_fp.truncate() # truncate the file # closing the container container_fp.close() # execute trigger self.exec_trigger("ON_REMOVE", { "removed_models": removed_models, "cursor": self }) # if the limit is set and removed models length is greater than or equal to # then break the loop if limit > 0 and len(removed_models) >= limit: break return removed_models
def update(self, filter_fields: Optional[list], data_to_update: dict) ‑> list
Update the field data of stored model in the container using the
You need pass the dictionary(
) object to that contains data to replace with using field name as the key.from pexicdb import connect from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField user = { "id": UUIDField("id"), "name": StringField("name"), "age": IntegerField("age") } users = connect("users", list(user.values())) # update the models where name is `Harkishan Khuva` and update it to the `Haki` users.update( [ user["name"] == "Harkishan Khuva" ], { "name": "Haki" } )
: lambda functions or None to filter out modelsdata_to_update
: data to replace in the modelReturns
returns the list of first field of model
Expand source code
def update(self, filter_fields:typing.Union[list, None], data_to_update:dict) -> list: """ Update the field data of stored model in the container using the `filter_fields` You need pass the dictionary(`dict`) object to that contains data to replace with using field name as the key. ``` from pexicdb import connect from pexicdb.fields import UUIDField, StringField, IntegerField user = { "id": UUIDField("id"), "name": StringField("name"), "age": IntegerField("age") } users = connect("users", list(user.values())) # update the models where name is `Harkishan Khuva` and update it to the `Haki` users.update( [ user["name"] == "Harkishan Khuva" ], { "name": "Haki" } ) ``` Arguments: `filter_fields`: lambda functions or None to filter out models `data_to_update`: data to replace in the model Returns: returns the list of first field of model """ updated_keys = [] # updated models' key will be stored in this object containers = get_all_containers(self._name) # getting all containers # iterating containers for container in containers: models_to_update = {} # models to be updated from container will be stored in this object container_fp = open(container, "rb+") # container file's file pointer index = 0 # using index and at last models are replaced with new models using index in the container while True: line = container_fp.readline() if not line: break # getting model from the line model = decode(line) booleans = [] # booleans will be stored from lambda functions if filter_fields is None: # None mean do all # append the True value will make it to do booleans.append(True) else: # iterating lambda function and appending it to booleans for lambda_fun in filter_fields: for field in model: booleans.append(lambda_fun(field)) # if booleans' elements are True or only True value present in the booleans if booleans[0] is True and all(booleans) is True: # updating model # using key value of data_to_update argument for k,v in data_to_update.items(): for field in model: if == k: # checking field name and update the value = v models_to_update[index] = model # adding model to models_to_update with index number(line_number-1) index += 1 # incrment index # if models are available in models_to_update object if len(models_to_update.keys()) > 0: # file pointer to starting position lines = container_fp.readlines() # reading all lines of container # iterating updated models for index, model in models_to_update.items(): lines[index] = encode(model) # updating model using index of it's in container updated_keys.append(model[0].data) # append the first field value to the updated_keys # again file pointer at start position container_fp.writelines(lines) # write modified lines container_fp.truncate() # truncate the file # close the container file pointer container_fp.close() # execute the trigger self.exec_trigger("ON_UPDATE", { "updated_models": list(models_to_update.values()), "cursor": self }) return updated_keys